What does 2019 hold for us all?
Will we finally get ‘Back to the Future’ styled hoverboards readily available on the high street?
Will we be able to plug a USB into our pillow which can download our dreams?
We can’t answer these questions, unfortunately, but as self-professed L&D gurus, we’re equipped to offer insight into the top three learning and development trends of 2019!
So, jump into your TARDIS, charge your Delorean with 1.21 gigawatts, and let’s journey into the future of the Learning and Development trends of 2019…
1. Added Flexibility to Learning
ATAWAD: Anytime, Anywhere, Any Device:
58% of employees believe that working away from the office will give them more motivation. Additionally, 70% of workers feel that offering flexible working makes a job more attractive.
Allowing employers to be more flexible with their hours will take some getting used to for some companies. But technology has made it a possibility, and this is only set to grow. Enter the era of Anytime, Anywhere, Any Device!
ATAWAD is a futurism and a wonderful byproduct of the technological revolution we are experiencing.
Thanks to advancements in communications, an employee is now able to film a video presentation, edit-in post film graphics, and send it to a client, all while on the bus to work (though it might not look that professional). However, this type of speedy/on the go style of producing content is going to become more refined.
The fact the option is there gifts the worker with the power of flexi-time.
We have already seen the L&D industry putting ATAWAD into practice in terms of company training. Take mobile learning, for example. You can now train your employees on the go using the best mobile training solutions around.
2. The ‘Universal Employee’ Will Rule Supreme! 
2019 will see the lines blurred even further when it comes to job descriptions. This is once again due to advances in technology. As Generation Z enter the workforce more and more, we’re seeing the awesome effects of an age-group raised on technology.
Younger workers will already be naturally acquainted in a multitude of skills due to platforms and apps that have always been at their fingertips. Here are just a few:
- YouTube: Skills learned: Video editing, content research skills, digital awareness and more!
- Instagram: Skills learned: Image editing, photography, digital audience building, social media and more!
- Adobe Photoshop: Skills learned: Image adjustments layers, filters, masking, transform tools, blending and much more!
- Adobe Premiere Pro: Skills learned: Video editing, video graphics, transitions, audio effects and more!
These are just some of the skills we can expect pre-installed in the the younger age-groups. It goes without saying that versatile skills such as these are not only relevant in the L&D industry, but in every industry in some way or another.
With this in mind, a Learning Management System is the ideal platform to ensure employees are at the same level on a wide range of skills.
3. Employees Will Seek Training Incentives When Job Searching:
Here are two important facts you should know:
- One of the top attributes Millennial’s look for in a new position is the opportunity to learn and grow.
- By 2020, Millennial’s will make up 35% of the workforce.
Workers with a huge hunger for knowledge are therefore filtering through into the labour pool, creating an incalculable Knowledge Economy.
Companies that can offer incentives such as personal growth and development, limitless training, and a progressive career ladder, will be much more attractive to the workforce of 2019.
A NextGen Learning Management System can offer everything the modern learner craves in terms of training.
New learning materials can be uploaded every day, and certain modules can be pushed and pulled to those who require them. Also, as it’s mobile responsive, the info can be absorbed anywhere.
A Tool for the Future…
Our Knowledge Arcade is a perfect example of a NextGen mobile learning app. The Knowledge Arcade encourages behaviour change with quests, battles and challenges.
Final Word
2019 is set to take the baton of learning and run with it to a future focusing on the power of knowledge! This forthcoming year will see Any Time Anywhere Any-Device continue to tear up the rule-book of 9-5 working and learning, giving more flexibility to the workers.
We’ll also see a rise in employees who are knowledgeable in a wide-range of skills.
This is supply and demand in practice. The people demand to learn more; we supply the tools to learn!