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The Reward Centre


Everybody loves collecting badges and skipping from level to level as they earn points. These intangible rewards are great, but wouldn’t it be awesome if you could magically turn them into real-world riches!? Sure, professional development is its own reward, but there’s no harm in a little extra incentive, especially when it triggers The Reward Centre.


The new Reward Centre upgrade adds a new level of engagement to your Academy LMS. Here, you can easily set up your own rewards, which can be anything from a cup-of-tea-any-time-you-want-one ticket to an online shopping voucher. Once you’ve done that, you can sit back and watch your engagement figures go through the roof!


Companies that score in the top 20% for building a 'Recognition-rich Culture' have a 31% lower voluntary turnover rate. - Forbes
According to a survey, 35% of learners want real-life rewards based on learning progress. - Software Advice
83% of organisations suffer from a deficit in 'Recognition'. - Forbes


Rewards drive engagement, create motivation and make your learners more effective. Providing rewards, even on a small scale, can trigger the release of dopamine and stimulate the production of the ‘love hormone’, oxytocin.

Research shows that those who work under the influence of this hormone perform better! Real-world rewards, gamification and your learners’ pride in their professional development achievements provide a reward-system triple threat.

Better still, all these elements are configurable on one platform:  Growth Engineering LMS.

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The Reward Centre for Your Learners

Whilst giveaways like vouchers, coupons and concert tickets work well, they’re not your only option. If you’re working on a budget, there’s still plenty of reward options for hard-working learners:

  • A sit-down with your CEO / a subject-matter-expert.
  • A month’s primo-parking / coffee making exclusion rights.
  • Recognition in your organisational newsletter / intranet / social media.
  • Offer ‘Expert’ status on Growth Engineering’s LMS / a special badge.
  • Small giveaway like a t-shirt / trophy / mug / certificate.
  • A ‘day off’ pass.
  • One token for a free hug.
  • The opportunity to suggest an improvement for the training program.

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Ready to gamify your learning and development approach? Talk to a member of Team GE to find out about the Reward Centre!
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