Performance Centre Series: Your One-Stop Performance Management Solution

Performance management experts, this is the seventh and final part of our series on the astonishing world of workplace performance management. If you like what you read, then please subscribe to our blog using the sidebar to the right, or follow us on Twitter for regular updates!

Performance ManagementOver the past few weeks we’ve taken a good look at some of the best ways to approach performance management. We’ve seen a lot of research which gives compelling reasons to take performance management seriously, and we’ve looked at why it’s best to be managing performance online.

Now finally, we’re going to look at how our Performance Centre combines all of these features we’ve looked at into one comprehensive yet user-friendly package!

It’s 100% online, so any employee can access it from any device and at any time. As if that weren’t enough, it’s also fully integrated with our multi-award winning Academy LMS, which means that all of your performance and learning needs are available in the same place!

So how does it work? It comes down to five robust steps:

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Step 1: Objectives and KPIs

This first section is for Objectives and KPIs. Here an employee can manage their own individual objectives, and also keep an eye on how their department and organisation as a whole are meeting their targets.

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Every over-arching goal is broken down into the Key Performance Indicators, the individual tasks which need to be completed to meet that objective. This gives everyone greater visibility about what exactly is being done to meet targets.

And though employees set their own targets, everything has to be approved by their manager. If target-setting is falling short, the manager sends them back with comments attached. This ensures that only useful objectives are set.

Finally, since our system is online, employees can update progress towards each KPI as they go along. So a manager can dip in whenever they want to get a real-time snapshot of how their team is doing. Handy!

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Step 2: Competencies

The second area breaks down each employee’s job role into the individual Competencies it requires. This lets them keep track of their strengths and weaknesses, so that they can target their development to the areas which need more work.

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To make things as user-friendly as possible, each competency is followed by three sliders. The first slider is used by the employee to self-assess their ability in that area, anywhere from ‘foundation’ to ‘exemplary’. The second bar is then used by their manager to give their own assessment of that individual’s ability, and they can attach comments to explain any disagreements. The final bar is the target level, which someone in that job role should be at.

Keeping an eye on this page is an easy way for an employee to make sure they’re focusing their efforts into building up their weaker skills, turning them into a complete, well-oiled performance powerhouse!

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Step 3: Values and Principles

The third section is for Values and Principles, which includes some of the gamification features that we’re renowned for! This area serves as a reminder of the company’s defining values, and employees can earn badges for demonstrating them in the workplace.

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But there’s a catch… These badges can only be awarded by managers and colleagues! This helps foster a sense of team spirit, as everyone looks out for opportunities to reward each other’s hard work.

Comments also get attached to badges so that it’s clear exactly what it was earned for. You can even set a target number of badges to earn within a set time, to nudge everyone into working hard to put company values into practice.

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Step 4: Reviews

This fourth section deals with a staple part of any performance management programme – Reviews!

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It’s used heavily during the preparation for a real-world review of appraisal. So ahead of the meeting a manager will set some questions for the employee to answer, and to help guide their preparatory thinking. The manager can also leave comments before and after the review so that their entire thought process is on show.

Then, since this is an online system, the employee can return to this section at any time to find full reports from all of their reviews! They include all of the comments their manager made, and also make note of how far they met their Objectives and KPIs for that period.

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Step 5: Personal Development Plan

The fifth and final area of the Performance Centre ties together everything together into a Personal Development Plan, or PDP.

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Remember how we said that the Performance Centre is fully integrated with our Academy LMS? Well following a review, a manager will use a simple tick-box system to choose which learning content on the platform would be best for that employee to complete. This helps them focus their learning efforts on the areas which will give them the most gain for their time investment.

The Personal Development Plan gathers all of this content in one place for easy access, and uses a simple traffic light system to show at a glance what they’ve already completed or started. Personal development has never been so easy!

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Want to run through this process first-hand? Sign up for a free tour today!

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