Genie Update: Another New Learning Game!

Do you feel like all of your training efforts have fallen apart? Are you struggling to pull the pieces together? Don’t you wish you could take a step back and see the full picture? Are you wondering what the deal is with all of these jigsaw puzzle puns?! Wonder no more, kind reader – all is about to… come together (sorry.)

Our Geniacs have been hard at work and we’re happy to announce yet another new Learning Game on our authoring tool!

genie learning game - puzzle pack

The new Puzzle Pack series lets you take all of your learning assets and load them into a challenging puzzle game! As a course creator, your job stays exactly the same, but your learner’s experience is transformed into something much more exciting than a typical eLearning unit.

choice of learning gamesWhen they begin, your learners need to click each piece of the puzzle to reveal it. As they progress, they can swap the tiles around to match the preview image on the screen.

Every now and again, they’ll also reveal one of your learning assets. As you’d expect, this asset (whether it’s a video, a text screen or a question) will need to be completed before they can continue putting their puzzle back together.

This works wonders for engagement as your learners have a clear task in front of them that needs to be completed. It’s a strange quirk of human nature that places unfinished tasks at the front of your learners’ minds. This psychological curiosity is known as the Ziegarnik effect and you can find out more about it here.

We could talk to you all day about how awesome the new Puzzle Pack is, but it’s much better if you go and take a look for yourself! Pop over to today and create your own puzzle!

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