Category: Personalisation

Crafting Your Learning Brand: A Guide in 8 Steps

Craft a powerful learning brand with our 8-step guide. From defining objectives to creating your identity, transform your L&D journey today!

What Is xAPI? Tracking Performance Beyond the LMS

Tin Can API, Experience API, or xAPI, whatever you prefer to call it, is undeniably a powerful technical standard. With xAPI, you can gather information about a wider range of learning experiences than ever before.

What is Adaptive Learning?

Adaptive learning is a personalised learning method that learners love. We'll take you through its definition and how to execute it properly.
Everything You Need To Know About AI In Learning & Development

Everything You Need to Know About AI in Learning and Development

AI is set to completely transform the learning and development landscape. Our article will help you identify 8 ways in which that will happen.
What Is Big Data Analytics And How Does It Impact eLearning?

What Is Big Data Analytics And How Does It Impact eLearning?

Find out what big data analytics is and how large amounts of data can help you drive important decisions.
10 Benefits of LMS Integrations For Your Organisation

10 Benefits of LMS Integrations For Your Organisation

10 Benefits of LMS Integrations For Your Organisation - Making the most out of your learning technology with the aid of its integration capabilities can result in an increase in employee productivity and in efficiency of business resources.

The 11 Most Popular Integration Uses In Learning Technology

API integrations help to expedite numerous processes, cure organisational headaches and avoid frustrating errors. Connecting your learning management system to another business system with integrations enables both platforms to benefit from each other's functionality set. With all of that in mind let's take a look at the systems that are most commonly connected to learning technology software.

What is an API Integration?

If you've worked in the tech space for any extended period of time, or use software throughout your organisation, there's a good chance you've heard of an API integration. They have now become essential in the software industry by enabling system interconnections. But what are they and how do they work?

Epic Meaning and Engagement: What the Experts Say

Salary is important, but it's gradually taking a back-seat to something much grander – something we like to call Epic Meaning.
Neuroscience of personalised learning

The Neuroscience of Personalised Learning

We've gathered together some of the very best research to help you get a good understanding of the neuroscience of personalised learning!
customised learning pathways

Customised Learning Pathways – Next-level Personalisation

Creating customised learning pathways is easy when you use levels. Here we explain how to set up the perfect level structure for your learners!

Three steps to generating excitement for your training programme

Here are three steps for generating excitement for your training programme by using personalisation to speak to learners as individuals!

Looking for more L&D Resources?

From cutting edge research and world-class learning to development (L&D) resources. Growth Engineering’s resource library has it all!
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