Category: Gamification

an coppens

GE TV: An Coppens on Engaging the Brain with Gamification

In this interview with gamification expert An Coppens, find out why gamification engages the brain, and the best ways to utilise it!
Karl Kapp

GE TV: Karl Kapp on Why Gamification Works

In this interview with gamification expert Karl Kapp, find out why gamification and learning games work, and how to use them effectively

Epic Meaning and Engagement: What the Experts Say

Salary is important, but it's gradually taking a back-seat to something much grander – something we like to call Epic Meaning.

How Gamers Learn: The Game Player’s Brain

People learn by sitting still, keeping quiet and paying attention to the lesson, right? That's not how gamers learn!
How to create a game-based experience (that doesn't suck)

How to create a game-based experience (that doesn’t suck)

To help you create something truly awesome, we’ve drawn up a list of handy tips to make sure you have a soaring game-based learning experience – not a boring one.

10 Gamification Strategies for Online Learning

To give you some inspiration in your gamified online learning adventure, here are 10 uses for gamification in online learning to make your training go a little further.
customised learning pathways

Customised Learning Pathways – Next-level Personalisation

Creating customised learning pathways is easy when you use levels. Here we explain how to set up the perfect level structure for your learners!
future of game based learning feature

The Future of Game-based Learning

To give you a heads-up, we’ve travelled through time to uncover the top ten things to look forward to in game-based learning.

5 Case Studies that Prove Learning Games Work

Does game-based learning work or does it just distract from learning? In these case studies, you can find out the real benefits of learning games.

What are Serious Games?

What are Serious Games? Are they different from game-based learning and gamification? Find out the true meaning of serious games in our handy guide!
Do Learning Games Work Within A Corporate Environment

Do Learning Games Work Within A Corporate Environment?

Even though learning games have been a valid form of training for so long, many learning managers are reluctant to try them out.
learning games aren't for me and other common objections

Learning Games Aren’t For Me (and Other Common Objections)

Don't be scared of learning games! It's not as hard as you might think to boost engagement with a game-based learning solution.

Looking for more L&D Resources?

From cutting edge research and world-class learning to development (L&D) resources. Growth Engineering’s resource library has it all!
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