Academy LMS Feature Focus: Experts

“I learned from the best” is more than just a moderate Whitney Houston hit. It offers valuable insight into how you can assemble an army of learning superheroes. Imagine working for the department of, ‘catching villains that wear clown makeup’, and getting to ask Batman for his expert advice.

Knowledge would spread through your organisation faster than Superman running out of an ice cream parlour that only stocks Kryptonite flavour!

The awesome reality is, your company is full of experts! But what good are they if nobody can find them? If you had a social learning platform, you could give them the spotlight they deserve.

Benefits of an Experts Feature

The Experts feature on the Academy LMS lets you get the most out of your knowledge champions. Radioactive spiders don’t have a patch on a dedicated Experts area when it comes to creating an army of learning superheroes. This is what friendly neighbourhood experts can do for your learning community…

1. Unleash Superheroes

Imagine if Clark Kent just used laser vision to heat up lukewarm tea. What a waste of such extraordinary talents, when they could serve a greater purpose!

Within your organisation, there are employees with unique abilities, hidden in plain sight, waiting to become superheroes. These employees have valuable knowledge to offer your training community, it just needs to be harnessed and directed. 

Identifying experts and showcasing them in a dedicated Expert’s area, means that learners can tap into a previously hidden wealth of knowledge.

Suddenly, employees like Margaret in finance, with her supreme knowledge of spreadsheets, becomes an accessible learning resource. She would tell you that’s a winning formula for any organisation!


2. Say Goodbye to Knowledge Loss

When an employee leaves your organisation, the threat of knowledge loss can often leave you filled with panic. How can you possibly maintain sales best practices  once John retires, after 20 years of loyal service!?

You can mitigate this loss by capturing the knowledge of your Experts and preserving it for the future. When learners submit questions to Experts through your LMS, the interactions becomes accessible to everyone. This makes knowledge loss a thing of the past and results in a smoother onboarding process for any incoming replacement.

3. Encourage Knowledge-Sharing Culture

From the Baby Boomer Brain Drain to job hopping millennials, there are many reasons why you should encourage a knowledge sharing culture within your organisation. This lets you make knowledge available to everyone and ensure it’s not just held by a select few. A dedicated Experts area can let you light the fuse and make this dream explode into life.

Everyone yearns for a title that gives them recognition. You don’t have to go full-on Game of Thrones with your employees and pronounce someone ‘Margaret of the House Finance, First of Her Name, Breaker of Budgets and Mother of Spreadsheets’.

Rewarding them with Expert status for being a top contributor on your LMS is enough. This reinforces a knowledge sharing culture and encourages others to join in. Soon you’ll see learners racing to share their knowledge with others in search of expert status.

4. Watch As Your L&D Team Expands!

Managing a training initiative can often feel like a Sisyphean task. You have to contend with budget restrictions, field endless questions from admins & learners alike AND deliver super engaging bundles of eLearning awesomeness. You need all the help you can get. A dedicated Experts area will expand your L&D team and lighten your load.

Final Words

The Experts on your online training platform will answer questions that would usually come your way.

We know you’re a superhero, but you can’t be expected to know everything. Giving learners access to the Experts within your organisation means they are getting the best possible advice and you are saving valuable time in the process!

Failure to implement a dedicated Expert feature means you risk invaluable knowledge going extinct within your organisation. You need to preserve it for the future and harness the powers of the knowledge champions at your disposal!

Book a tour of our Growth Engineering LMS and you’ll soon have an army of superheroes on your hands!

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