Earlier this month it was announced that our Learning Management System – the Academy LMS – was placed in the Number 1 spot in eLearning expert Craig Weiss’s list of Top 50 LMSs. We were so excited we could hardly contain ourselves! In fact, we couldn’t even wait until Craig had released his corresponding blog post on his report before we wrote our own.
But now we’re happy to say Craig’s blog post is live and you can check it out for yourself. Craig reviews over 600 LMSs for his report, so coming first out of all of those contenders is a massive achievement – well done Team GE!
Head over to Craig’s website to read his article – well worth the purchase, especially because you’ll get the money back if you then choose to go with the Academy LMS, the world’s best Learning Management System (no, I don’t think we’ll ever get bored of saying that!).
Here’s what Craig said about li’l ol’ Growth Engineering’s gamified social LMS:
“I could write thousands of words on this system and it still wouldn’t be enough. By far the most modern hip front and back end in the industry (i.e. learner and admin). One of the very few systems, that I as a learner would have fun and want to stay in. Support is elite. Constantly adding new features and capabilties. Mobile rolling out includes on/off synch, native app with xAPI.
Gamification – the best in the market. This is a LMS wrapped around gamification, so if you are not into gamification, this may not work for you. My take though, is today you may not be using gamification, but a year from now? Features are all there and then some. They are launching Q2 a built-in authoring tool with gamification tied around it and some gaming elements.
Badge Library included, social solid, learner huge win! #1 in Next Gen, #1 in Retail. They are also working on a HE version which will offer different features than corporate, another nice win for me.”
Nice, eh? Click here to read the rest.
If your interest in the world’s #1 LMS is piqued, there are a few things you can do:
1. Get in touch with us to request a demo tour of our Academy. We’re so proud of our LMS and we love to show it off!
2. Download some of our white papers to find out more about what we do – and why! Some particular highlights are (click each one):
- Social Learning: How to set your learning free
- How to secure ROI on your LMS
- Overcoming common objections to online learning
- The Business Case for Gamification
3. Click the button below and fill in the form and we’ll get back in touch at a time that suits you. We’re nice like that!