6 Top Tips to Rock Your Online Learning Roll-out

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You may want to cut corners and simply email your workforce with standardised, boring information about what they have to do, how to do it and the deadline by which it should be done. But believe us when we say that really won’t secure the learner buy-in that you need for a successful Learning and Development plan.

We know some of us prefer to watch videos rather than read, so we’ve taken the liberty of converting the information below into video format. So pick whichever method of information delivery you prefer, sit back and enjoy.

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6 Top Tips to Rock Your Online Learning Roll-out:

1. Marketing

When you’re rolling out a training programme it’s important to get the marketing correct. Your employees need to find out about the L&D plan, right? Never market your training programme via email alone: it’s a cardinal sin and will condemn your training roll-out to eternal damnation! Instead, use internal marketing techniques like intranet announcements, meetings, introductory videos and site visits to spread the word, inform the masses and build curiosity, excitement and momentum.

2. What’s the problem?

If employees don’t care – or know – about the problem that the training is trying to solve, they won’t care about achieving change. But once you describe the problem to them in ways they can understand and relate to, they’ll be more enthusiastic. Employees need to know why they’re being asked to learn these things and change their behaviours. They’re busy, after all, so you’ve got to make it seem worthwhile. Why is a change needed? What do they need to do?

3. Importance

If employees don’t see their training as important, they won’t be motivated or engaged to log on to their Learning Management Systems and work their way through eLearning modules. You’ve got to push the training programme up their list of priorities. All these points will help to achieve this, but don’t stop there if you can think of any other ways to reiterate the importance of the training, which will be unique to your organisation and situation.

4. Urgency

Creating a sense of urgency around the issue will help rally the troops. Employees won’t strive to complete their training if they think they have all year to do it, or if the problem isn’t very pressing. So emphasise how important it is for them to achieve the changes now rather than in the future. You also need to make sure they know how the campaign will be run, measured and reported on – it’s good to be transparent.

5. Mission

Frame the training as a mission to get employees pumped and engaged. If they think they are vital to the success of the mission (or L&D roll-out), they’ll be incredibly motivated to do all they can to help it progress and come to fruition.

6. Get social

Discuss, practise and reinforce the training socially to get individuals on board, encourage further learning and development, see real behavioural change and make the training a resounding success. When learners are active contributors, they’ll take charge of the training programme – so you won’t have to!

We hope you liked these six tips! Want to find out more? Download our white paper ’28 Tips For A Successful LMS Launch’ by clicking the button below!

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